Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Part 2

Alright, I need to finish up the rest of our Oregon trip. Lets see how much i can still remember....
Isak and Josh spent a lot of time on the beach playing and chasing waves.

Counsins being silly. Isak and Josh pretty much spent all day every day wrestling each other and jumping off the furniture until one of them got hurt. They had a blast.
Claire wore Lucy's tutu everyday and her and Lucy loved to pose for my pictures :).We got to go the Aquarium in Newport and it was really fun. We went once before when Isak was a baby but the kids were old enough now to really enjoy the exhibits. Below is Isak in a diving helmet..Lucy especially loved the aquarium and would run around pointing and yelling at all the fish. She was very excited.

Besides the aquarium, we did some serious shopping at the outlet mall in Lincoln City and had lots of fun playing games and hanging out in the evenings. We are really looking forward to next year!

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