Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy father's day! I just wanted to mention a few things that make kevin such a great dad, although I am probably a little biased.

1. When Isak first came home from the hospital and we had no idea what we were doing, kevin was the first one to clip his nails, he would change diapers, and would rotate with me getting up with him during the night so I could get a stretch of sleep. It was a life saver.
2. Kevin loves to play with Isak and he much prefers to play with dad rather than me. I think its because kevin throws him around and is much rougher than I am which Isak thinks is hilarious
3. I had to go back to work sooner than I wanted to after having Isak. I was starting in labor and delivery and had to orient on days 3 times a week for 12 hours. It was really hard being gone but Kevin brought Isak to the hospital every day so I could nurse him and have lunch with him. It always made my day.
4. Despite that kevin claims I worry way too much, I think that we are more equal than he things in this area. A few months ago Isak got a small cut on his finger that bled quite a bit. He was fine but Kevin was convinced that he wasn't getting enough iron. He started giving him rice cereal mixed in with his yogurt every morning so we could make sure he was getting enough. I thought it was very cute.
5. Kevin is very busy right now with finishing school, working, and taking care of Isak at night when I work. He doesn't get much sleep but he always lets me go for a run or take a nap whenever I need to. I really appreciate everything he does for his family and look forward to september when everything will go back to "normal" for a while.


Whitney R said...

This is such a nice blog! I don't think your biased, I think Kevin does a great job with Isak and can't wait to see how he is with a daughter. Maybe next year I might be able to have a post like this? :D

Monte and Brittany said...

i agree i think Kevin is a really good Dad!! he always takes care of Isak really well. thats one of the reasons you guys are one of the few people i trust with Cole. you guys take good care of him!! im really glad we're all such good friends.
Happy Fathers Day Kevin! :)

Korbi said...

so cute. He got up with Isac? Wow! I am impressed, where did I go wrong? j/k "I get what I get and I don't throw a fit!" Can you tell I am around little kids all day?