Saturday, January 14, 2012

Its official...Isak and Kevin are out numbered! Its a GIRL!!
Edyn Hahana Gilbert joined our family at 0714pm on 01/12/12. She is perfect! We loved the name Edyn and Hahana (not Hanna) means "to shine" in Maori which I thought was a beautiful. We have been seriously sleep deprived as is expected with a newborn but I will do my best to rundown all the good times that happened with her labor...Wednesday while I was at preschool with Isak I had a sudden numbness in the left side of my face. It was brief, maybe 10 minutes, but scared me so I called my doctor and went in to see her that afternoon. Following the numbness in my face I felt tingling down my left arm/leg that wasn't significant but it definitely noticeable. While at the doctor they determined that everything was fine, I was pretty dehydrated but otherwise fine and she checked me and I was 4cm dilated so she went ahead and stripped my membranes. A new experience and definitely not a fun one. I contracted hard for the next 2 hours then they stopped. I went to the gym and ran a couple miles to see if I could start them up again. About 830 that night they started again, mostly cramping and irregular. By midnight they were getting stronger and Kevin called his mom to come stay with our kids. I noticed I was leaking fluid around 1230 and figured my water had broke. I was still fine with staying home, the contractions were not that strong, but Kevin really wanted me to go into the hospital so I complied. I was still 4cm dilated went I went in but more effaced and they admitted me. I got my epidural around 3am and well somehow stayed in labor for the next 17 hours. The night nurse told me I was 7cm when she left at 730 then the day nurse informed me I was only 5cm. Yes, that was awesome. So they started Pitocin and did that all day and my day nurse left at 3, telling me I was 10cm dilated and they were letting me labor down. I should mention that I have back labor with all my kids and they are all facing up instead of most babies that face down so it takes them longer to descend and for me to dilate. Its as fun as it sounds. Anyway, my next nurse came on and told me I was not complete and was only 8cm. Get the pattern here? I was a little frustrated to say the least and really tired. It was at this point I started doing fun stuff like blacking out and scaring my nurse. I had low blood sugar and my blood pressures were low and the room was spinning a lot. I think it was mostly from sleep deprivation and just pure exhaustion. They also described it as a big hormone dump and it was my reaction to all the adrenaline. Good times. Anyway, eventually my doctor came in and finally found the rest of my bag of water that hadn't ruptured all the way and did that. After she did that I kept repositioning myself to try and get her head to turn face down. Then my epidural which I had for over 12 hours had been gradually wearing off and was no longer effective. So I was maxed out on Pitocin and feeling every contraction for the last hour and refused any kind of bolus from the epidural for fear it would slow down my labor again. Finally I went complete at 7pm and was very ready to push. My doctor came in and I only pushed for 5 minutes and out she came! It hurt so horribly awful and I couldn't quit crying when she came out, mainly because I think I was so relieved it was finally all over!

Wow, that was a lot of info. This is me in labor with my epidural when it was still working. Thats why I look so happy.
Edyn right when she came out. She was starving and wanted to nurse right away. I think she hadn't eaten in over 20 hours too and was hungry!
She has a cleft chin just like Kevin and her siblings and has long fingers and feet like her big sister. Her hair has a reddish tint and her eye shape reminds me of Kevin and Isak's.
Weighing in at 7lbs 6oz and 20 inches long.

Lucy was so excited to see her. She kept saying "She's so little. She's cute!" She is in love with her and especially loves all her fun accessories like her binkies, her bouncer, swing, cradle and carseat. She loves to climb in them and shove all her stuffed animals in them and run around with Edyn's binkies in her mouth. Yes, we have to watch her.
Lucy and Isak were the first ones to come in and see her and Isak was pretty disappointed it wasn't a boy and has been rather wary of her ever since. My parents and Kevin's parents came in next and we told them it was a girl. I don't remember most of this because I was in some kind of sleep deprived coma and my nurse shoved some toast and juice in my mouth before I konked out again.
Here she is all ready to go home! I realized I need to stock up on my hair accessories with all these girls...
Our family at home, Edyn is one day old. We have our hands full!
My big baby and my little baby. I had to laugh when I looked at Lucy's size 6 diapers and Edyn's newborn diapers.
Here she is today at 2 days old. I need to take some more of her tomorrow but for now I think I need to go to sleep as this little girl thinks that she needs to wakeup at 11pm for the day.


Anonymous said...

I'm so very happy that you are done and you both are healthy and that Lucy loves her sister because to feel otherwise would have been a scary scary thing. *G*

Kevin and Eliza said...

Oh that does not sound like a fun labor or deliver, but I'm so happy that she is here safe and sound. Congrats to you and your family. She looks beautiful!

Victoria Gilbert said...

Oh Lena. What a horrible Labor!! So so sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad you are ok that that she is healthy and she is so beautiful!! Seriously such a pretty little girl. And she has that sweet bum chin :) Congratulations, great job growing another beautiful baby! Thanks for blogging so quick after having her! Even though you could have been sleeping!

Cassidy said...

Congratulations!! Sorry labor was so hard! Glad that's over with. Yay for girls!