Saturday, December 31, 2011


Christmas morning Isak woke up around 7 and we let him open his stocking. We woke Lucy up around 730 and started opening presents. Isak had a scuba mask and his specified nerf gun waiting for him from Santa while Lucy was elated to find her angry birds and pigs set up for her under the tree. She refused to let go of said angry bird and opened the rest of her gifts with one hand, for fear we would take it away as we had every other time we had been at the store.
Isak also got some more robots, legos and games and Lucy got some other toys that she didn't care about because well she already had her angry bird. My sister made this really awesome bird costumes for my kids which they LOVED and Lucy thought they were angry bird costumes and was really excited. Thanks Valerie for the Halloween costumes for this year!

The great thing about having Christmas near all our family is that we really had 3 by ourselves, one with Kevin's family, then one with my family. And Isak and Lucy really loved opening gifts three times!
Before church we went over to Kevin's family to open presents. Isak got another Nerf gun and more legos and well he was just as excited as could be. Lucy continued to refuse to let go of her angry bird and happily settled in watching "Wonderpets Mistmas!" It was fun having Kevin's Aunt Colleen up for Christmas as well as his grandma to visit with.
My parents came over for dinner along with Aaron. Isak got an awesome sled and Tinker toys while Lucy got a tea set and a new doll that has a motion activated laugh. It sounds slightly demonic.
Aaron made Isak an awesome ferris wheel out of his tinker toys and played nerf guns with him all night. Isak is still asking me when we can move to Texas or when it would be possible for Uncle Aaron to move to Othello.
She has been having tea parties with "Gatorade!" and her angry birds ever since. She is very polite and makes sure everyone says "please" and "thank you" before receiving more in their cups.
We had a wonderful Christmas and it was so nice to be able to stay home and be with family. We were so blessed and our kids were spoiled rotten by everyone. Now, if we could just add another baby here in a few weeks everything would be perfect!

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