Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Library Experience

Lucy is kind of a ham..okay, she is a major ham. As soon as she realizes anyone is watching her, she immediately goes into perform mode and does whatever she needs to get a response. While this is very cute while she is 1, I am guessing this trait may not be so great 12 years from now. Last night we took the kids to this lady at the library who sang songs and played instruments with children. Lucy was entertaining everyone there by twirling, dancing, and yell/singing to the music and randomly trying to talk to anyone who would listen. I am sure the people there thought I fed her sugar beforehand or something, but this is just how she is all the time. Isak meanwhile was doing summersaults, leaping off the railing, and when he did participate in the circle, threw the african sea shell morraco drum thing about 5 ft in the air. I would have stopped him but I was busy keeping Lucy from eating this lady's props and knocking over her guitar. Yea, Kevin was studying late and I took them by myself. When she was done, the lady commented on what a unique experience it was. Pretty sure she was referring to my kids. Perhaps we have some things to work on before preschool starts in 6 weeks...
Above is lucy "performing" and below is lucy filling up the swimming pool. She is way naughtier than she looks..
Below is also a video of Isak chatting at me with his animals. Lately his big thing is having me make them talk.


Valerie said...

I think that what sometimes passes for 'good behavior' in children is the effect of too much television, oppressive social conditioning, and a lack of creativity.

They will get along well with Maddie when they visit.

susan said...

I love your kids and your blogs. I can completely relate to Lucy!

Victoria Gilbert said...

Ohhhh funny funny stuff. I was living that library trip through your post.... man. I can just see that drum thing flying through the air, slow-mo. Hilarious! It's all good... I'm a little nervous for Claire starting preschool as well! The good thing is that preschool teachers are used to that sort of thing :) Well, we hope!