Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Do you ever just have one of those weeks where it feels like you can do nothing right? Lately I have been feeling this way, kind of discouraged with everything. My job is going okay but its hard to have to prove yourself all over again and try to make people believe you're really not an idiot. Its also difficult to make friends at work and get to know people and the "feel" for the place...I was just getting really comfortable in Boise and BAM! time to move. So, that has been kind of frustrating. I've been a nurse now for 4 years but it kind of feels like I'm starting from scratch which is a little discouraging but I suppose its how it goes.

Anyway, Isak has been waking up really early 530-6 am the past few days which has not helped. I have no idea why, he goes to bed at the same time, he's just waking up and not going back to sleep. I am absolutely not a morning person and this has been hard. It makes for a rather cranky mom and a toddler who is very awake and really wants to be played with. I really need to try and be a nicer mommy in the morning and well, all through the day. My house is in the midst of still unpacking although its getting better. I suppose I have just felt stretched a little thin lately and wish I didn't need so much sleep at night. Anyway, so despite all my wallowings, I decided to try and do better today. So while Lucy napped this morning Isak and I....Got out the play-dough and made some awesome creations...in many colors. Made a couple forts and ate fudgesicles in them and took turns "hiding" in them. Really, Isak just wanted to jump on the fort with me inside. He thought this was great fun.

Lucy loves to hang out by the fireplace and she's pretty nimble when it comes to manuvering herself off and on. I love this look, its like she's already 14 and saying "seriously mom?"

Isak playing with my stethoscope the other night, he loves to listen to his heartbeat. Lucy loves it too, she loves to chew on the plastic ear buds. Ahh, perhaps they will become doctors...hhahah

Lucy is getting bigger, she drinks really well out of a sippy cup and loves to "help" me fold laundry/shake it around and laugh hysterically.

Really, how bad can life be with these two little people in it? I am so grateful for their happy little spirits and a very nice husband who lets his haggard wife take a nap on his lunchbreak and go for a much needed run once in a while.


Crystal said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I love the picture of Lucy on the fireplace-she is so cute.

Nuttymonkeymama said...

You're a great mom!!! I would hate starting a new job, too.....

Nathan Stephanie Gilbert Family said...

I can't believe how well Lucy is walking! Conner will take a few steps on his own but leans forward too much and would faceplant if we weren't there to catch him! I am jealous that you guys are in your house...we are still waiting...but hopefully it will be soon! :)