Thursday, September 17, 2009

So sad to leave....

I have made it no secret that moving away from here is going to be very hard. One of the main reasons for this is because I have a wonderful job here in Boise that I absolutely love. It is the perfect schedule for our family and gives me a chance to use my degree. Plus, I get to work with awesome people and most of the time I also love my patients. Four of us happened to be pregnant at the same time and had babies about 5 weeks apart. This was pretty remarkable considering our little unit only has about 12 core nurses that just work mainly on this side of L&D. Lucy is the oldest, then Finn, and the Alexis and Casey were born on the same day. We've gotten them all together on one other occasion and have had lots of fun comparing stats and discussing other important baby stuff. Sadly, one of these girls is also moving away so we decided it was a good time to get all together. Lucy is the oldest and also the noisiest. Aren't they all cute playing together? Yes, she is super long. This is her carseat that I think she is probably already too big for. Look at those little feet hanging over the edge? I didn't realize how big her feet were getting and put these shoes on for the first time and found they fit exactly. So she's going to be wearing them a lot so she can can get some use out of them.

1 comment:

Whitney R said...

I do feel bad that you are leaving such wonderful friends and a great job and house. We all know what you are giving up and can't imagine how hard it is. I'm thinking you'll make some great friends and have a lot of good times in Othello as well. I hope your house sells quick so you can get into another one and start making yourself a home again.

Lucy's shoes are adorable. :)