Monday, June 3, 2013

Isak's 6th Birthday!!

 My little Isak turned 6 on May 23rd. Its hard to believe that its already been 6 years since he was born, its gone by so fast! He had been counting down to his birthday for two weeks and would update me daily on how many days were left. We had a small family party for him a few days before his birthday and he got some awesome robots, legos and a whole lot of cash. He had quite the haul!

 Oh and I also found this darth vader helmet and some Star Wars At-At walker at a yard sale the weekend before his birthday for a sweet deal. I had gotten these figures at a clearance after Christmas so it went together nicely.
 Isak was pretty excited about his party and wrote out a detailed guest list for me one Sunday in sacrament meeting as well as snacks and games he wanted. He wanted an angry bird party which was simple enough. I think this is the simplest birthday party and cake he's ever had and he thought it was awesome.
 We had about ten kids come and I had them all play pin the tail on the angry bird to start. Then they went on a treasure hunt for their goody bags.

 We also set up a very rough live play angry bird game and the kids had to knock all the pigs down. This was a huge favorite and it took them a while to get all the pigs.
 Isaks' angry bird cake was not my best but it was easy and Isak loved it so that's all that matters!
 He requested an angry bird cake and rainbow sherbet ice cream and the kids pretty much devoured the whole cake. He got so many presents from his friends I was tempted to hide some and take them back out at Christmas. I think he got 3-4 squirt guns, it will make for a fun summer! I took his class popsicles and I got to listen to his birthday quiz where all the kids in his class got to ask him a bunch of different questions. His teacher wrote it up and gave it to me, its pretty awesome.

I'm trying to take a family picture with each kid's birthday, they are growing way too fast. I just realized how incredibly huge Edyn looks in this picture. I need to freeze time! At six years old, Isak is doing a lot of things.
-He can read fluently pretty much anything he can get his hands on. He will ask us meanings of words or sometimes ask us if he doesn't know a word here or there but he impresses us. Tonight he read us all the articles of faith without much help, pretty awesome!
-He loves to ride his bike and loves to be outside, especially if there's water involved.
-He's very sensitive and can be pretty sensitive to other people's emotions. We have to be careful with this one and at the same time I hope he always keeps his soft heart.
-He is very OCD about things (don't know where he gets this!) and is learning (slowly) flexbility and that he can't be the best at everything all the time.  He definitely likes things how the knows they are suppose to be and doesn't love it when his routine is disrupted.
-He's very friendly and social and has lots of friends. I love that he is kind to everyone and can make friends easily.
-Loves to play with his robots and build stuff for them, still wants me to play with him all the time.
-Getting better at trying new foods but is still wary of stuff he doesn't recognize or love but will take at least a bite most of the time.
-Loves his baby sister and will play with her anytime.. he tolerates Lucy pretty well but they play together most of the time pretty good.
-He still talks incessantly whenever he is home and has a million questions. Everyday when he has a day home from school it can be 730 am and he'll be like, "So mom, what's our plan today?". Yea..
He really wants a pet..that's not happening right now.
We love this little boy and are excited for the next year. He will keep us busy this summer!

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