Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Some weird things Isak has told me lately:

"Mom, I love you more than bad guys, electricity and fire."

"Mom, I want a real knife for christmas. Then, I can just cut through the wall and get to the
electricity and the plasma!".

"I'm going to tell you a story about my mission. There was a huge fireball that came in the
meetinghouse and just blew it all up. Then bumblebee came and brought a sea otter. I know a lot about sea otters mom. Sea otters are usually mean!"

He keeps telling me he wants an Ironman that walks in the snow for christmas and also told Santa this. Funny how I have gotten him everything but the very thing he has asked for. Although, I am not sure the Ironman toy I am thinking of could actually walk in the snow.

I really don't know where he gets some of this stuff.

1 comment:

Kevin and Eliza said...

Those are cute. It is fun to see him using his imagination.