Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A baby (excuse me, small toddler) holding a bottle. Perhaps not that unusual of a sight for most people. But at our house this is a major occurence. It is probably my fault for not training her to do this earlier, but she has always refused to hold her own bottle or sippy cup. Especially if she can find someone to do it for her. She will usually put her arms at her sides and will go limp and yell if you try to make her hold it herself. She has a hard time holding it up high enough to get anything out of it. Anyway, the past few days I 've been laying her down and having her feed herself her bottle and today she toddled over and handed it to me when she was finished. Too bad she's going to be weaned in like a month.
We are LOVING this warm weather and have been spending lots of time outside. I got out the sprinkler and the kids loved running in and out of it and using it to shoot bubbles.
I just wish my backyard didn't have a ginormous gaping hole in it so we could use that instead of parading around my front yard for all of the town to see. This brings me to that lovely yellow piece of machinery you see in the background. This has been lovingly parked in my yard for about 3 weeks now in preperation for the grand pool filling in process. So far, it has sat in my yard as an eye-sore and no dirt filling in has gone on. We have been very busy with wedding, family, and kevin studying for his CPA. My new goal is to have our backyard useable by Isak's birthday. I'm not hopeful.
I was planning on selling this on craigsist, however, Isak has adopted it as his new seat. I think I should hide more toys and bring them out months later, they would be way more popular.
This morning I woke up with Lucy and managed to get her back to sleep at around 630. Because Kevin has needed to study so much for his test, I decided to go for my run this morning so he wouldn't have to take time out of his day later for me to go. When I returned at 10 till 8, I full expected the kids to be awake and eating breakfast. Oh no, they were both fast asleep in their beds...which is exactly what I could've been doing, had I stayed home. My kidsnever, never sleep in together..especially till 8. That is unheard of in our house. I was so mad. Dang running. Perhaps luck will strike twice today and I will get to nap.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
This week was filled with family who came up for lindsey's wedding and then headed up to Washington for a visit. It went by really fast and our days were packed...I'm not sure all we got accomplished, but I am sure tired. It was a lot of fun though! We ate pizza at Chico's and Isak and Josh scored from quarters from grandma so they got to ride some super cool games...
We headed out to the dairy for some pictures and to visit the cows. Isak kept telling me he wanted to smell them and today kept asking to go see them again. Their smell is definitely memorable for sure. We even got a cool picture in the loader bucket (my idea) and got to feed some baby cows.

We also had this great idea of trying to take a picture of all the kids together in the cotton seed...this was not such a great idea. Lucy kept running away, Claire was climbing up the side, Isak was woken up from his nap and super groggy, and no one would look at the camera.
The cows were all afraid of us. My kids could never be models...way too uncooperative.
Isak wasn't too sure about this...Lucy also tried to feed the cow a bottle. Similar to herself, the cow also cannot hold its own bottle. I believe the irony was lost on her.
Lindsey's reception in Washinton was Friday night. She had a really awesome cake. Didn't it turn out cool??

Conner discovered he loved to be pulled on a sled outside in the grass. He would go and sit in it and wait for someone to come pull him. We gave him and lucy a ride together..such cheap fun. If only we could all be so easily entertained.
My daughter LOVES dirt. She really likes the taste of it and I am constantly pulling it out of her mouth when we are outside. We went out to the farm to take pictures and I spent the whole time pulling rocks and mud out of her mouth. Perhaps she has some nutritional deficiencies. Or she just likes to eat it. Whatever.
Isak and Josh on the swather. We are going to miss everyone, it was tons of fun. Back to the daily grind of our boring lives. But on brighter note, I found out that my bestest friend is moving to Othello! What are the chances??! I am super excited that I have someone else to share this desolate land with and to spray paint random garage sale furniture with. It will be awesome.
Conner discovered he loved to be pulled on a sled outside in the grass. He would go and sit in it and wait for someone to come pull him. We gave him and lucy a ride together..such cheap fun. If only we could all be so easily entertained.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Lindsey's Wedding!!

Lucy looked pretty as well, I loved these headbands that Vicki made. Well, I tried to help. I think I glued it to the band. But they turned out really cute!
Lucy was asleep for most of the pictures. We had
suprisingly decent weather for a rexburg wedding. A little wind, but overall not too bad.
Isak and Josh and Claire's feet sliding down the hill. They were so dirty! But they had a lot of fun. Good thing everything everything is washable. Isak looked a bit homely at the reception that night with his dirty white shirt and muddy shoes but....what can you do.
Claire and Lucy at the reception. The kids were super grumpy, mainly because no one got a real nap in and they were all off their schedules. Lucy was coming off from being sick and she was not her usual chipper self. She mainly walked around trying to beg punch from people and trying to eat all the pretty stones off the gift and food tables.

Isak and Josh spent the reception playing hide and go seek under all the tables. I found Isak streaking down the side of the gym at one point in his pull-up, he had ditched his pants. This was at the same time Lucy was trying to swallow rocks she had found. We left a little while later :). Family weddings were way easier before I had kids, but not nearly as fun. Anyway, best of luck Lindsey and Nate!
Isak and Josh spent the reception playing hide and go seek under all the tables. I found Isak streaking down the side of the gym at one point in his pull-up, he had ditched his pants. This was at the same time Lucy was trying to swallow rocks she had found. We left a little while later :). Family weddings were way easier before I had kids, but not nearly as fun. Anyway, best of luck Lindsey and Nate!
Monday, April 5, 2010
For lunch we went to grandma's and did our little easter egg hunt.I had a lot of fun dressing Lucy up in her pink tutu and bunny ears. I think this is half the purpose of having kids, so we can dress them up in ridiculous outfits, only to embarress them later.

Isak loved hunting for eggs and figured out quickly that they all had candy in them. I was pretty amazed that each actually found them all before he dug in to the candy.

Buzz reading a book...He has been flying around our house now for the past couple days, flying off furniture and referring to himself as "buzz" in the 3rd person. On a sadder note, My little Lucy is sick with fevers and a sore throat. We started her on some amoxicillin and she's getting ibuprofen and tylenol around the clock. I'm hoping my happy little girl will be back soon because we are going to Rexburg on Wednesday and need her to be in tip top shape for the drive!
Isak loved hunting for eggs and figured out quickly that they all had candy in them. I was pretty amazed that each actually found them all before he dug in to the candy.
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