Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter and Smiles

Easter was a lot of fun this year, especially now that Isak is old enough to somewhat "get" how to hunt for easter eggs. We filled up a few plastic ones with some m&m's and placed them around our yard. It took Isak about 5 seconds to figure out there was candy inside..he started to throw them on the patio to open them and then would eat what landed on the cement. Pretty smart, huh? He was even more excited that night when he discovered some extra easter eggs he hadn't found earlier. But Sacrament meeting sure was interesting with him hopped up on sugar...good thing he had some company out in the hallway with all the other over sugared kids.

Lucy has started smiling and cooing and regularly does this to be charming. It is very cute and she is so sweet. Isak continues to "love" her and tries to give her his sippy cup, her bottle if there's one around, and will hand her toys. I hope he always is so good with sharing but I know it probably will not last...



Crystal said...

Very cute smile!

Cassidy said...

I love it when they start smiling!! Cute cute kiddos.

Valerie said...

Throwing the eggs on the patio to crack them is like seagulls dropping oysters on rocks to crack them open and eat the animal inside. Very cute.