Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This past weekend we ran down to Utah for a quick trip to visit some friends before we had two babies to drag with us and before I get any larger. I also saw the lights on temple square for the first time which were beautiful, apparently they started putting them up in August.
We also made a trip to Ikea which was wonderful and I was able to pick up a few things for the house that I've been wanting for a while. I got this toy box for our front room which didn't look so big at the store but in my living room is huge. Isak can fit into it with all of his toys.

We stayed with Scott and Crystal who were nice enough to let us invade their house and have Isak drop a wooden reindeer on their baby's head. Aubrey and Isak played pretty well together and especially enjoyed tipping over the recliner together.

I know I post videos of this kid all the time but really, what else do we have doing on at my house? At least this one is right side up. I apologize for his sagging pants and diaper, we seem to lose bits of clothing as the day progresses only to have him end up in his pajamas.

1 comment:

Kim Gail said...

I too had been to Utah during my last family vacation trip got arranged through Marriott.