Sunday, November 24, 2013


We found out that Isak needed glasses in September when they did a an eye exam on him at school. We took him to the eye doctor and discovered he is far sighted in his right eye...just like Kevin was. So he gets to wear glasses all the time and hopefully that will help correct it. He doesn't mind wearing them but has a hard time leaving them on his face. He's always playing with them but so far they've only broken twice (both times fixable) and only lost them at school once. Pretty good for a six year old. His greatest concern was "But I'm not going to be cross eyed like Lucy, right?". Not if you wear your glasses! And Lucy was never cross eyed. Her prescription actually got lessened at her last appointment which was great news since hers was a pretty heavy prescription. So now we have two kids in glasses! I'm wondering when we should just take Edyn in and get her some as well?

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