Thursday, April 4, 2013

 One of Edyn's favorite things to do is to climb up into our brown chair when Isak is sitting there and sit by him. She does it almost every morning before he leaves for school and whenever else she discovers him there. She is obsessed with every book recently and will have us read them to her over and over. Since Isak can read now, he will sometimes read to her for us which is awesome but he usually doesn't have the patience for her repeat requests.

 It was in the 70's the end of last week and beginning of this week and my kids have spent every spare moment outside. Mostly making mud holes and getting really dirty. We planted some flowers in my pots and also got the carrots and peas planted in our garden. Isak has been home for spring break and he has loved going for bike rides in the morning while I pull Edyn and Lucy in the wagon. Lucy could probably ride her scooter but that would mean letting go of her turtle or some other object in her hands and that's just not her style! And Edyn really loves the company in the wagon, even if she does spend most of her time trying to climb out.

Edyn was born with an umbilical hernia. They are fairly common I believe and usually pretty benign. They almost always go away on their own, usually once the abdominal muscles develop and can pull it in. They are painless and the worry is that they will bump the exposed intestine and do some kind of damage. So far she has been fine and it hasn't been a worry but we recently got a referral to Sacred Heart Children's Hospital just to double check. I'm sure all will go well and hopefully she won't need surgery.   And my mom bought her the cutest ruffle swimsuit today so that no one will be able to see it through the material. It does bring some stares from people if they're not prepared for it!

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