I celebrated my 29th birthday the beginning of April and didn't want to do anything too major to celebrate. I had been working quite a bit and been gone and just wanted to spend some time at home finishing some uncompleted projects. Luckily my husband realized that putting up molding on my birthday was not going to be too much fun and took me to Spokane instead. We stayed at the Davenport and had a very relaxing time wandering around the city without children.
We also tried the new Venezuelan take-out place in town and ate some Arrepas. They were super delicious and I think we will have to go back, especially considering the limited options we have in our tiny town.
My parents were awesome and took my kids over night and when we returned on Saturday my mom had brought me this delicious cake. The only candle I had was the left over "4" from Lucy's birthday so I stuck that on top. My mom also took me shopping (again, without kids) for my birthday and bought me new clothes. It was really fun and I got coral pants which are pretty much the coolest pants I have ever owned. Lucy tells me how pretty they are every time I wear them so I know they have to be awesome.
I had the whole weekend of my birthday off and it was also General Conference so I got to spend tons of time with my kids and watching conference. We took the kids to the park, each in their own preferred mode of transportation.
For conference again this year I did the pictures and names of various gospel topics with bowls of different snacks under each one. When the kids heard a word that matched, they could put that treat in their bag. They were so excited for conference just so we could do this game again. Isak also enjoyed coloring the packet I printed out for him of the different apostles and Lucy really enjoyed stealing candy from the bowls when I wasn't looking...
Edyn didn't want to go to bed that night for some reason so we let her stay up with us a few extra minutes. And she also tried her first Oreo, which she really, really excited about.
We drove out and tried to find the Sandhill Cranes which migrate this time of year to places around our town. We saw a few but it was really windy and they were pretty far away. One of these years we will actually participate in the festivities that everyone else travels here to do. I think they make crane masks for the kids and do tours which would be really helpful when trying to find the stupid birds. Anyway, all in all it was a great birthday and enough distractions to help me forget that I'm now in the last year of my twenties.