Thursday, April 3, 2014

 Quinn is four days old and we are adjusting to being a family of six! The first night we brought him home he slept for 6 hours! This baby so far has proved to have a pretty mellow personality and takes a pacifier and a bottle so we will keep him! I love that I can pump and have Kevin do one of the nighttime feedings so I can get a block of sleep, its such a blessing. Edyn never took a bottle and it was hard, especially when I had to go back to work. In fact, Edyn was such a hard baby that I'm hoping Quinn's sweet personality has been sent as compensation...
 He has since slept in about 3 hour blocks at night and hardly cries, just squeals when he is hungry. I want to freeze time and his tiny newborn self, they grow all too quickly.  I'm making a conscious effort with this baby to not stress about anything and just enjoy him and drink him up as much as I can.  I've spent a lot of time in yoga pants, not cleaning my house and instructing Kevin to remind me to not do too much. My parents and Kevin's parents have helped us endlessly and we have had many thoughtful friends bring meals and offer babysitting. I feel so blessed and loved to have this little spirit in our home and I can't wait to see the cute baby he will grow into.

1 comment:

Jon, Julee, Maddie, & Dane said...

So sweet congrats to you cute family! So glad you have a cooperative baby who lets you sleep alittle moms need sleep :)