Sunday, December 9, 2012

I have been having problems uploading pictures to my blog so I haven't written anything for a while. But so much has happened recently I need to start writing some things down so I don't forget!
Isak is loving Kindergarten and gives me great behavior reports everyday of all the kids in his class..who made their day, who didn't, who chased who on the playground, etc. The parent/teacher conference we had with his teacher went really well and Isak is doing great and exceeding all of his benchmarks. His writing and coloring could use some more refining but I already knew that! He is super chatty when he gets home from school and will talk my ear off. I've gotten to help in his classroom a few times and it was a lot of fun. He is great with Edyn and can now carry her (kind of) for me for short distances in our house. He's going through a "I don't want to go anywhere even the bathroom by myself" phase at the moment which is super annoying but he's started making Lucy follow him everywhere so when she complies it makes it easier for me!  He's really excited for Christmas and has been asking me lots of in depth questions about Santa, his Elves, and how he delivers presents. So far I've been able to field all of them to his satisfaction.
Lucy has entered a "princess" phase and loves all things Cinderella and Barbie. She got to attend a "Ball" with Kevin and have a carriage ride which she thought was amazing. She wants a Barbie Princess Castle for Christmas and a Barbie camera. She is a very complimentary child and will tell us multiple times if she likes our clothes or our hair and will tell us how nice we look. Its pretty funny. I hope that's a character trait that sticks, I think she will make a lot of friends that way!  Kevin got his haircut and when he came home Lucy petted his head and said, "Wow Dad, you're hair is so nice. I love it."  She LOVES preschool and wants to go everyday. She also loves to eat popcorn and lay in my bed and watch Cinderella.  She is fairly tolerant of Edyn as long as she doesn't touch her pink blanket and will get down next to her and say, "Come on Edyn, lets crawl. Go Edyn!" and proceed to crawl across the floor with her. She also has some major OCD tendencies that I'm really hoping disappear as she gets older.

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