Sunday, February 14, 2010


Kevin came home for lunch on Friday and suprised me with a trip to Leavenworth for Valentines weekend. He told me to back my bags and we dropped the kids off with his mom and we left! He wouldn't tell me where we were going unti we were about 20 miles away and I finally saw a sign for Leavenworth. We stayed here :
, actually in that room, the ottman suite. It was so much fun! We've never left both of our kids overnight before and they did really well. Kevin and I haven't been to Leavenworth since we were kids so it was fun to explore all the shops. Kevin found an australian store that sold some authentic new zealand food that he had on his mission. He was really excited.

This is part of the suite we stayed at, it was Huge! I loved all the little details of the inn we stayed at and everyone was in leaderheusen. In fact, we tried to find Lucy and Isak some Lederheusen but its actually very expensive..

One of the best parts of this place was they gave us the option to go down to the dining room for breakfast or have it served to our room. I was like, really , do you need to ask? How often do I get room service??

We ate at this great little Italian place for dinner that had live music and awesome food. For lunch the next day we tried our first authentic bratwurst at the Muchen Haus. It apparently also has a very popular beer garden that was quite crowded while we were eating.

It was a great, very much needed little escape for a day that I loved. And I found this incredibly awesome red leather purse that was on sale for $20 that might have been worth the whole trip.

But I must say I missed their little faces and was so happy to see them when we got home!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Lucy Grace!

Happy Birthday Lucy! Lucy girl turned one today, I can hardly believe she is that big. Everyone always says that the time flies and it really does. It seems like I just had her and she was this big..with all her crazy stand uppity hair. She is really just the sweetest little spirit and is one of the happiest babies I have ever seen. Since she learned how to smile, that's all she has done, smiling at everything and everybody. Quite a contrast to solemn Isak who would hardly crack a smile at anyone. He had the glare thing down pretty well. Lucy has the charm factor down to a science, I'm pretty sure she has Kevin and I both wrapped around her little finger...

So here she is at One....we had a little party with our family. Now that we live so close, everyone was able to come. She got lots of fun presents including....toy food, toy dishes, new dress, new outfit, pink tutu, sippy cup, baby doll and stroller, and big stuffed dog and some fresh cash to spend on whatever she wants. (this may go towards her super cute red kitchen that I am still trying to hunt down).

She was appropriately sporting her "party hair" that had been in foam curlers. Prior to being combed she reminded me of an 80's flashdance girl. Also wore her party stripe tights for the occasion and half way though the events also sported the pink tutu. She was very cute, picking up all of her presents and carrying them around, grinning and yelling.

She also wore her "party hat" and dug into her cake like she hadn't eaten in weeks. I had decided to set up a cupcake barrier in front of the cake, mostly because I knew Isak would somehow find the cake before it was time to eat it. I was correct and Isak scored some free frosting. Lucy just started shoving cupcakes in her mouth, I had to start peeling back the paper before she ate that too. I think she got up to four but it was hard to tell....
Her cake was just a simple round cake with red polka dots and pink sprinkles. I made the polka dots out of red fruit leather. She seemed to think it was okay anyway.

At one you are:
*Chatting nonstop, although we're not sure about what yet. It gets louder when you're around food or when you're around Isak. You try to say his name but aren't quite there
*Walking very well, hardly ever crawl, are starting to run and climb.
*Will eat almost everything, love goldfish, apples, pears, toast, cheese, and anything we're eating
*Have the happiest disposition, hardly ever cry unless you're tired, teething, or Isak shoved you over.
*Love your mom more than anyone, but will go to anyone who smiles at you or gives you food.
*Can drink from your own sippy cup but would rather someone else hold it for you (like a rabbit).
*Play by yourself pretty well, will babble to yourself, usually if you're quiet you're doing something naughty. Like eating crayons and then spitting them all out over my white carpet.
*Put EVERYTHING into your mouth, but somehow have never choked.
*Love to annoy Isak and jump on him, take stuff from him , and laugh at him when he's crying.

We love you Lucy! Can't wait to see what the next year will bring!