I have no pictures for this post because I believe my camera has passed away. Sadly, I think it may have fallen off the hood of our jeep and has gone missing. You see, I have been painting Lucy's dresser for the past week in the garage and was taking some "before" shots of it and placed it on the car so it wouldn't get run over. I think I may have taken off in the car without realizing it was still there. I really can't remember if I took it off or not and there are no signs or remnants of it around the neighborhood and none of my neighbors have seen the thing. It was old but it still worked fine and unfortunately still had some pictures on it. So we are going shopping this week for a new camera as we have some family trips coming up and it is a complete necessity. I also need new running shoes but decided a camera was a more immediate need and I can't take pictures of my adorable children with new shoes. So this is a quick update as to what we've been up to the past few weeks with pictures to follow:
Lucy's room is close to being finished. I repainted a ghastly green dresser that I found for $10 at a garage sale that was covered in paisley contact paper. I did her name in cute letters, my mom sewed her some cute pink sparkly curtains with a matching pillow, and bought her a cute floor lamp from Target. I just need to hang her birth announcement and some pictures and I'll be done.
Isak is fearless with the water. Like, super scary fearless. He thinks its fun to dunk his head and run to the deep end and jump in. He really doesn't care if we're there to catch him or not. Its a great workout trying to sprint swim to where he is so he doesn't drown. Luckily he has a life jacket and he's pretty good about putting his head back and kicking his legs. I think its because we go swimming to much that he's very comfortable. I'm pretty sure he'll be ready for swim lessons next summer.
Lucy loves to sit in her
bumbo chair that I found at a garage sale for cheap. I was anti bumbo chair because I think $40 for a baby chair is ridiculous but $14 is okay and she loves it. She has 2
teeth that have broken through on the bottom and she loves to chew on everything. She's a great eater and loves
baby food. Her 6 month appt is on Monday and I'm excited to see how much she's grown.
Isak randomly decided to sit on the toilet on Friday and strained some pee out. I'm sure we are no where close to being ready for
potty training but it was exciting all the same. Wow, you can tell I'm a mom when that was the highlight of my Friday..
-Kevin and I are completely uninteresting so there is nothing new with us. We're getting ready to go to Lake Tahoe next week with Kevin's family and I'm visiting my sister in Wisconsin shortly after. I'm also attempting a race of sorts that hopefully doesn't kill me while in Wisconsin so we will see how that goes.
I'll post some pictures as soon as I find a camera!